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Online Responsible Vendor Program for OR & WA. CO & MA Coming Soon!

Train To Tend is a Responsible Vendor Program...

...that teaches responsible sales practices to personnel working in the retail recreational marijuana business.

The training is divided into 4 or 5 modules:

  • The Laws (licensee and licensed seller responsibilities and violations and penalties)
  • ID Checking (recognizing underage customers, careful carding, and preventing third-party sales)
  • Health Effects of Marijuana (benefits and negative effects of marijuana and safe storage) - Colorado only
  • Customer Service (coaching customers, dosing edibles, recognizing intoxicated customers, techniques for refusing a sale, and driving and marijuana)
  • Rules of the Trade (inventory tracking, advertising and labeling, and robbery prevention)

Train To Tend is delivered online...

...using the latest device-responsive interfaces on desktop or laptop computers, tablet computers, and smartphones. It is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Trainees can work at their own pace and stop and restart as frequently as needed.

Train To Tend takes advantage of the best features of the Internet learning environment.

Engaging, interactive tools, activities and simulations present information and skills, show how the they can be applied, and give opportunities to practice newly-acquired skills.

Train To Tend assesses knowledge and skill acquisition comprehensively.

Each module ends with a quiz and the last module has a final exam. Trainees must achieve a minimum score on these tests to "pass" the course (70% or 80% correct), determined by each state's regulations.

Train To Tend instructs and certifies industry personnel...

...in state laws and regulations on retail sales of recreational marijuana and confers key responsible sales skills. These skills cover preventing sales to underage individuals (ID checking and recognizing third-party sales), coaching customers on responsible use and storage of marijuana, recognizing intoxicated patrons to prevent driving under the influence, and maintaining safety in retail stores.

Train To Tend is a state-approved curriculum in Washington and Oregon (Colorado and Massachusetts coming soon) that:

a) provides trainees with a Certificate of Completion when the course content and testing is completed. This certificate can be retained in trainee, store, or state agency records.

b) may be a mitigating factor when/if the State Licensing Authority is considering imposing penalties and fines for violations or infractions upon your store (Colorado only).

Train To Tend was developed with extensive input from:

a) government officials charged with regulating the recreational marijuana industry

b) store owners, managers, and sales personnel.

The Colorado MED Responsible Vendor Program staff has reviewed and confirmed that Train To Tend meets the requirements and is an approved RVP trainer. Colorado MED does not endorse any specific RVP program.


The Train To Tend team has been absolutely great to work with! Not only have they been very responsive to our company's training needs, they have been accommodating and flexible to our unique schedules. Train To Tend has been effective and engaging for our employees, and we are thankful for the Train To Tend team and their Online Responsible Vendor program.
   - Danielle, Native Roots, Instructional Designer

It has been a pleasure working with the Train To Tend team over the past several months. They have been extremely responsive anytime we have called upon them and dually accommodating to our scheduling. We are very happy to have chosen Train To Tend to facilitate getting our retail employees Responsible Vendor Certified, and we look forward to continuing to foster our already fruitful relationship.
   - Adam, Native Roots, Corporate Trainer

Train To Tend is owned by Klein Buendel, Inc. and licensed to Avid Will LLC for marketing and sales.
Product development and evaluation was supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health.
Contact: info@traintotend.com