About Us Train To Tend® was created and evaluated for effectiveness by Klein Buendel, Inc. In order to focus on the development of additional sate-specific versions of Train To Tend, Klein Buendel has licensed Train To Tend to Avid Will LLC for marketing and sales administration. Klein Buendel is a woman-owned health communication research and media firm in Golden, Colorado. Klein Buendel blends research, technology, and creativity in its engaging health education programs that improve the lives of adults and children. Klein Buendel's staff includes award-winning researchers, health educators, and media developers who partner with federal and state agencies, research institutions, and professional organizations. Klein Buendel's innovative health education products are used in schools, worksites, clinics, and communities. Klein Buendel's media developers utilize leading-edge technology solutions and innovative, responsive designs to create products geared to the unique needs of users. Klein Buendel's Way To Serve online alcohol server training program is the largest state-approved alcohol server training provider in the State of New Mexico. Klein Buendel's projects and products have been supported by contracts and grants from the National Institutes of Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Agriculture, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and Colorado Department of Education. The Train To Tend Responsible Vendor Program is one of Klein Buendel's newest products. It was created through a collaboration among Klein Buendel's researchers and media developers, individuals in the marijuana industry, and state regulators in Colorado, Oregon, and Washington State. |